Croft Community School follows the LA admission arrangements for all of our pupils and due to the fact that all of our pupils have an EHCP plan these are slightly different to other local authority schools. The number of places differs year on year and depending upon the number of places that local authority request.
The process is as follows: –
- Where a local authority has carried out a statutory assessment and decided to issue an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), it will issue a draft plan to parents. Parents can request the local authority to name their preferred choice of school in their child’s EHCP. However, the final decision on the school to be named rests with the local authority responsible for maintaining the plan
- The local authority sends out the EHCP for consultation which means that Croft receives the plan which we then look at to see if we can meet the needs of the individual pupil.
- Once we have examined the plan and said whether we can meet the needs of the pupil we send the consultation reply back to the local authority, this has to happen within 14 days. It is not the school that offer the place but the local authority then decide if they want to take up the offer of the placement.
- The local authority then either take the place on offer or not, they will inform parents or carers once this has been agreed on taking the place on offer.
- Once the local authority has offered a place and informed both school and parents, we will contact parents or carers to discuss transition arrangements and pupil induction.
- If parents have not been offered a place at Croft for their child they have the opportunity to appeal, more information about this is available on the County Durham Local Offer.
- Parents and carers can visit school at any time to meet with staff and see the school during the day.
- Should you require any further information please don’t hesitate to contact the school.
SENDiass can be contacted at:
Durham SEND Information Advice and Support Service
Lee House
Lee Terrace
Easington Village
Co Durham
0191 587 3541 or 03000 267007
Further details are available at