We have two specialist work areas in our art room, with access to a wide range of art and design technology equipment and resources. Additionally, Art and Design Technology are led by a specialist teacher who delivers all Key stage 3 and 4 lessons and supports Key stage 1 and 2 class teachers with the delivery of the curriculum. Subsequently our pupils have the opportunity to experiment with a wide range of art techniques and processes throughout their time here. Art skills are encouraged and developed through activities relating to painting, drawing, mixed media, ceramics, sculpture, computer graphics and textiles.
Practical demonstrations are central to the teaching ethos of the department providing an effective means of introducing new skills and techniques whilst generating confidence in our pupils.
Key Stage 3 pupils complete 6 units of work each year.
At Key Stage 4 we offer GCSE and Arts Award accreditation to our Year 10/11 pupils, and pupils can opt to complete a two-year art course and qualifications are awarded in August of their final year.
Pupils creativity is show-cased throughout the school building and can be seen in many of our classrooms and school corridors.