Croft Community school offers ASDAN (Award Scheme Development and Accreditation network) as part of a key stage three and four curriculum. The school believes it is an essential part of a balanced, broad and relevant curriculum. The school believes ASDAN is of huge benefit to the students within the school equipping them with skills and processes that will benefit them across the curriculum and later in adult life. It equips students with the personal and social skills as well as transferable educational skills that can aid the students throughout the school curriculum and later life. This school believes that ASDAN provides opportunities for all students no matter what their ability to achieve. It enables learners to achieve personal and social development through their achievements, thereby enhancing self-confidence, ambition and contribution to their communities. It provides transferable skills that students can apply and use across the curriculum. The school will teach the subject of ASDAN in key stage three as a separate entity within the school whereas in key stage four ASDAN PSD (Personal Social Development is offered as a Key Stage Four Option Choice.
At Key Stage three ASDAN will be allocated a lesson a week. Students in year Seven and Eight will follow a programme of study that will equip them with personal and social skills as well as transferable educational skills. Year Nine students will follow the BRONZE programme of study. ASDAN will be taught to all range of abilities no matter the level that the student is working at. ASDAN offers a variety of courses at different levels and therefore can be applied to all students at key stage three and four so that it is applicable to the level each individual student is working at and the pathway they intend to follow. This will depend upon the ability of each individual student at the start of year ten. Students should be provided with appropriately differentiated work to enable students to achieve their aims.
The programme aims to give the students a variety of educational experiences that will equip the students with the life and social skills needed in order to thrive in the wider community.
Current ASDAN awards offered are:
- COPE – Certificate of personal effectiveness
• Bronze, Silver and Gold award