Planting trees for Birch
This afternoon for our outdoor learning we had the spades out on the field where we planted around 20 trees. We had Birch and Oak trees to be planted. It was so much fun practicing our digging skills!
This afternoon for our outdoor learning we had the spades out on the field where we planted around 20 trees. We had Birch and Oak trees to be planted. It was so much fun practicing our digging skills!
Today we had a non uniform day to help raise money for children in need. Look at how colourful we all got!
Today we have made some feathers that will go on display in Annfield Plain that had on what we wish for. Keep a look out!
On Monday Birch had to come in with crazy socks of anti bullying week! We all tried our hardest to be super crazy! Well done Birch!
We got given some instructions and some yellow, orange, brown and blue play dough. We had to follow the instructions in a group and we had to squash the play dough as thin as possible to wrap around the yellow ball of play dough. We created our own earth and could identify the different layers…
We had a baking lesson where Mrs Convery showed us how to bake her famous brownies! We measured the ingredients, mixed them up and placed the mixture into a baking tray. We had lots of fun making sure that all the ingredients we measured where right. Obviously we had even more fun eating them!
We had a trip to Acropolis in Newcastle city centre inside Grainger Market. We got given a huge box filled with Greek food. We really enjoyed tasting all the food .
We made our own catapults by following a video using lollipop sticks and a bottle cap and some elastic bands! We had lots of fun even when we put it into practice and using measuring sticks. The children marked their objects such as chalk and then saw which material was better to use to have…
Birch dressed up in Grecian clothing which was lots of fun! Birch really enjoyed seeing what the Grecian people had to wear.
Birch have created clay pots that resemble the Grecian pots that we have been looking at in our Topic lessons! We made our own pots out of clay then used different methods to create our own pots. Then we used paint to make sure they resemble a Grecian look.