Fun Friday Stop motion
Today we have had Fun Friday and some of our children have developed, shot and edited their ideas. We had so much fun creating our own short films. IMG_1619 IMG_1618
Today we have had Fun Friday and some of our children have developed, shot and edited their ideas. We had so much fun creating our own short films. IMG_1619 IMG_1618
This week, we launch our Wellbeing Club in Primary, which has been named by one student as The Care Bear Club. Every Friday, selected children meet with Mrs Kennedy and Miss Lumley where we aim to promote wellbeing, resilience and trust in one another. Our aim is that children will help initiate the sessions and…
What a fantastic way to end our term…we could not have added more fun if we tried! As a celebration of all of our hard work and effort we had a movie party, we went on an egg hunt (where we were joined by a very large bird) we ate ice lollies and all went…
Primary took part in a relay competition for the 2021 Red Nose Day, inspired by the One Show’s Big Red Nose Egg and Spoon race. We did this for 30 minutes and everyone tried their very best.
Even though they were at home, on a Sunday, Birch participated in uploading odd socks for World Down Syndrome day!
Today in Birch the children practised using knives and forks using play-dough to develop their independent functional skills. They are going to practise these skills at home.
It was amazing to see everyone’s smiling faces back today. We had an action packed day designing and decorating our own eggs and being back with our friends.
As part of our International focus, Birch class have been learning about Brazil. The children have been carrying out their own research to create a mini topic learning about life and culture in this country. They have been learning about food, homes, wildlife, hobbies and also the Amazon Rainforest. The children were set the challenge…
The children in Birch have been learning valuable life skills as well as curriculum work. Daily life skills challenges were set which the children really enjoyed. They have made healthy meals, styled their own hair, learnt how to fasten zips and buttons, learnt their own address and phone number, vacuumed rooms, washed dishes, tidied rooms,…
To welcome Birch class back from half term Mrs. Kennedy arranged a Breakfast Club on Teams. The pupils got to talk about all the activities they got up to during the week off as well as eating their breakfast. It was so lovely to see everyone and to have a relaxing morning talk and a…