Author: l.herkes

P10 Science practical

P10 enjoyed learning about evolution and adaptation. They used different tools (spoons, tweezers and a cocktail stick) to represent different beaks and how birds could adapt to their environments in…
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World Mental Health Day

To celebrate world mental health day a group of our primary and secondary students engaged in some active listening training by ‘time to change’ organisation. They focussed on developing their…
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Wellbeing launch day

Yesterday, students from P4-P15 took part in a number of activities to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. These activities included mindfulness colouring, signing pledges to support positive mental health,…
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Tea and Talk

A big thank you to everyone who came to ‘tea and talk’ today. I really mean it when I say that it is so valuable to have your support and…
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Tea and Talk invitation

To all parents, carers, family, friends… Mr Davis and I are hosting a ‘tea and talk’ afternoon at 1:30pm,Tuesday 8th October at school. This is a chance to hear what…
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We have signed up to Aldi’s ‘Kit for Schools’ programme. Croft have the opportunity to win £20,000 to spend on sports equipment. Even if we don’t win, we still get…
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Day 3 Residential for Y9/10/11

To round off this weeks residential, the group went to the impressive Ashgill Force where we slid, jumped and fell into Ashgill Beck. Students were amazingly brave, some even thought…
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On Wednesday, our girls football team attended the final fixture of the season at Walker Dome Activity Centre. They finished the season on a high, winning all their games which…
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Day 2 Residential for Y9/10/11

Had another adventure packed day of rock climbing followed by rafting on the River Tyne. Still enough energy for a Just Dance dance-off!    
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Day 1 Y9/10/11 residential

We have had an amazing first day at Allenheads, settling in at the lodge, enjoying team building games and a brilliant night walk. We are so proud of our students’…
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Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

Website by Greyphox Digital