Bean plants in Hazel

Hazel class were super excited this morning to see if their bean plants had grown any more over the weekend.                       We have lovely green leaves and some buds starting to blossom.   Hazel pupils are amazed at how tall their plants now are.  …

Mrs Convery Cookery Enrichment

On a Friday afternoon Mrs Convery runs a cookery enrichment group.   In these groups pupils learn a number of different skills, some being turn taking, weighing of ingredients, following instructions and communication and listening. Pupils learn to use different equipment and try to complete the task independently. This week the group made chocolate crispies.…

Science Forces in Hazel

Today in Hazel class we have been talking about forces and how different forces can move objects.   Today we focused on the push and pull force and experimented using a balloon and cup shooter and marshmallows. The class had to predict which marshmallow would go the furthest the big marshmallow or the little one.…

Music in the sun

Today Hazel class enjoyed singing sea shanties in the sun with the lycra sheet. Pupils had to work together to make sure they all had the same rhythm to prevent Captain Hook from falling off. We moved the sheet up and down and left to right before playing a game where we had to make…


  Hazel class enjoyed a pirate themed day today to introduce the last part of our topic. We dressed up, listened to sea shanties, explored pirate themed resources and completed some pirate arts and crafts.   We also tried answering some pirate questions and explored our curiosity cube that someone had left treasure in.  …

Magic Beans

Hazel class would like to update everyone on their bean plants. We are starting to wonder if someone has switched our broad beans for magic beans from Jack and the Beanstalk.                       We measured how big our plants had grown. Some pupils thought it would…