Goodbye Y11!

Well Y11 this certainly wasn’t the goodbye we had planned for you – but we all just wanted to say Goodbye and Good Luck. You are an amazing group of young people who we will miss very much. We will see you soon to give you a proper send off! We do not own the…


Today year 8 have been learning about Blogging. They were asked to produce a review for the school blog. Here is Finley’s review of his favourite game: BMG drive is a crash test game where you could do driving tests, crash and free play. You can modify cars so it has Supercharger, turbo and all…

Student Email Accounts

Morning all Over the coming week all secondary students (and some Primary classes) will be receiving their own school email account. Students will be learning about the responsible use of email to communicate online.  Staff may be using email to send work home where appropriate. Students have been excited to receive their email accounts so…

Democracy in Action!

Croft Community School has held its first student election. Pupil Voice representatives from each of the classes expressed that they would like to take part in the voting for Head Students 2019/20 – previously candidates had been interviewed for these posts by the Senior Leadership Team. All students from Years 6-11 took part in the…