School Vision
Our school vision is “That every individual is valued and is given the greatest possible opportunity to achieve their best in a school where pupil needs are met, enabling social and academic achievement with the highest possible outcomes”.
To achieve our vision, our aims are:
· To provide stimulating curriculum and pastoral support with development of academic, social and life skills.
· To integrate therapies to meet the social and emotional needs of learners.
· To foster a “can do” mind set in learners and staff.
· To provide appropriate challenge and expectation, both academically and socially to promote high achievement.
This will be achieved through the following mechanisms:
· Teaching and learning will be creative, relevant, challenging and enjoyable ensuring that everyone learns and develops.
· The curriculum will be practical, imaginative and relevant ensuring equality of opportunity for all children, and ensuring development of life skills.
· We will provide quality care that is nurturing and consistent, in a safe and secure environment, for all individuals.
· Assessment will recognise attainment and achievement, whilst providing opportunities for teaching teams, parents and children to plan the next steps in academic and personal development.
· A partnership based on our shared vision will be sought with parents, carers, governors and the community through effective communication, team work and by valuing all contributions.
· providing a safe, positive, caring and nurturing environment, where the individual is celebrated and fundamental British values are promoted.