Blended Learning

Evening Everyone

We are continually updating our blended learning and so we have updated some information about how this will work in future.  We have also emailed out a guide about how to use TEAMS.


1.We will continue to send work packs out every two weeks and the work will also be available on the TEAMS page of the class that your child is in.  This will be on the POSTS section of the class page so that pupils can dowload the work if they would prefer to work that way.

2. Teachers will post the invites to the lessons on the same page as well as the calandar so pupils will know what type of lesson it is.

3. The term ‘Live Lesson’ means that teachers will be online and will be able to support pupil’s learning. Some of the invitations will be for lessons where teachers have recorded a lesson and shared this with pupils and will be online to support their learning.  Other lessons will be catch-up sessions but there will be a brief description about the sort of lesson it is.

4.Assessing work- pupils can return their work to have it marked in a number of ways:-

They can send it by class dojo by taking a photograph and then sending it to their portfolio on the class dojo page, teachers will then mark the work and send a comment back via the same method.

They can upload it to the folder ‘Returned work’ on the class TEAMS page where teachers will mark it and then message the pupils about their work. This will be sent to pupils by email or on the Post Page of the class TEAMS page.

Pupils can email their work directly to the teacher and attach the work where the teacher will mark the work and return it via email directly to the pupils.

Pupils can keep the work at home and return it when they come back to school.

I hope this helps explain how work will be sent to pupils and how we will mark the work but should you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with school using the school email address.




Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

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