PhD Research at Croft

P4 were asked if they could be part of some doctoral research on sensory processing, working with Liz Jones from Durham University. Some parents and carers were more than happy to help and teachers were fascinated by the research. We can’t wait to read the final research documents when they are published. .

Drugs and Alcohol Education P15

Today, P15 engaged in an interactive workshop with a recovery worker and trainer from County Durham and Darlington Drug and Alcohol Service. They learned about the physical, social and psychological effects of drug and alcohol abuse, the difference between legal and illegal drugs, Class A, B and C drugs as well as investigating what drugs…

Year 11 Careers Trip to Beamish Museum

Today Year 11 went to Beamish Museum to find out about the career opportunities, work experience and job training the organisation could offer young people. Pupils discussed and experienced working in various roles within the museum such as; communications, costume and design, artifacts and buildings, community and animal care. Pupils were given a full experience…

Anti-Bullying Week

Primary and Secondary students took part in an Anti-bullying assembly today discussing how pupils, staff and parents/carers can work together to stamp out bullying for good. Pupils and staff also received awards for their odd sock day challenge on Tuesday. #antibullyingweek2019 #changestartswithus

Children in Need 2019

WOW, what an amazing morning!! The whole school took part in the Joe Wicks’ live stream of the ‘Big Morning Move’ to raise money for Children in Need. All students in Primary and Secondary thoroughly enjoyed the exercises and all had big smiles as well as being red and sweaty!! What a good start to…