Recent Events

After the half-term break we have been taking part in many different events. For remembrance day we organised a traveling shop that would come round the classes and sell poppy themed items. For anti-bullying week we are taking part in odd sock day.

Feeding Families

Feeding families is a local charity set up to help those in need over Christmas who need a little bit of help putting food on the table during such an expensive time of year. As a school we are signed up to help a family in need and staff will be donating items to give…

Drug and Alcohol Education

Today, P13 and P14 engaged in an interactive workshop with a recovery worker and trainer from County Durham and Darlington Drug and Alcohol Service. They learned so much throughout the morning including the effect of drugs and alcohol, the difference between legal and illegal drugs, Class A, B and C drugs as well as investigating…

Multiplication in P4

P4 have been learning how to multiply numbers and also the relationship between addition and multiplication. They used lots of practical activities and concrete apparatus to visually see what was happening during the calculations. Article 28-We all have the right to a good quality education.    

P4 Making a Splash!

P4 had a brilliant first swimming lesson of the year. All children showed good confidence in the water and some who were wearing armbands at the beginning of the lesson weren’t wearing them by the end of the lesson. Super progress was made! Well done P4! Article 31-We all have the right to relax and…

Cuban style salsa in P4

P4 have been studying Cuba as part of their international links. The children have been learning how to salsa. They have developed their skills and confidence and enjoyed performing in front of an audience. They worked on their evaluation skills by providing good suggestions how dances could be improved. Article 24-We all have the right…