Tea and Talk

A big thank you to everyone who came to ‘tea and talk’ today. I really mean it when I say that it is so valuable to have your support and input into how we can support the mental health of our young people and put wellbeing at the heart of what we do. It was…

Student Email Accounts

Morning all Over the coming week all secondary students (and some Primary classes) will be receiving their own school email account. Students will be learning about the responsible use of email to communicate online.  Staff may be using email to send work home where appropriate. Students have been excited to receive their email accounts so…

Tea and Talk invitation

To all parents, carers, family, friends… Mr Davis and I are hosting a ‘tea and talk’ afternoon at 1:30pm,Tuesday 8th October at school. This is a chance to hear what we are doing in school to support mental health and well-being for students, staff and the community. It is also a chance to do some…

Meet The Head Students

Hello we are the Head Students at Croft Community School. Our names are Logan and Orhan. We were selected by our peers to represent them, our school, and create and make this blog. We will be updating this blog regularly with events happening in school and any other news we need to share.


Our primary children have been learning all about our primary values,  Our first value was ‘respect’  and we have tried hard to respect each other and to respect the environment. These children worked particularly hard to show respect around school.  

Looking After Our Bodies

In P1 we have been finding out how to look after our bodies.  We have used the mirror to look at our teeth.  We then followed the instructions to brush some very big teeth! We practiced being Doctors, nurses and receptionists and found out how to take care of our patients if they were not…

The Demon Dentist in P4

P4 have been reading The Demon Dentist by David Williams, as part of English lessons. We have been thinking carefully about the characters in the story and how they were feeling at different points. We used drama to ‘hot seat’ the characters. We really enjoyed taking on different roles. We also used ‘role on the…