Democracy in Action!

Croft Community School has held its first student election. Pupil Voice representatives from each of the classes expressed that they would like to take part in the voting for Head Students 2019/20 – previously candidates had been interviewed for these posts by the Senior Leadership Team. All students from Years 6-11 took part in the…

UK Youth Parliament

Students have been developing their understanding of democracy at school this week. Students have been taking part in a nationwide vote organised by the Youth Parliament. On Friday it is nominations for Head Boy and Head Girl and students will be taking part in a presentation and secret ballot. Results to follow!

Outdoor Learning

P1 enjoyed looking at the changing seasons outside.  We noticed that the leaves are falling from the trees and lots of them have turned brown.  Some of us even tried to put them back onto the branches. We found some apples on a tree and looked at them very closely. We even found some carrots…


We have signed up to Aldi’s ‘Kit for Schools’ programme. Croft have the opportunity to win £20,000 to spend on sports equipment. Even if we don’t win, we still get free sports kit!   All we need to to do is collect 300 kit for schools stickers and send them into school. We then send…

P3 WOW welcome back day!

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So…get on your way! – Dr Seuss P3 were welcomed into class by some strange characters today!   Can you guess which author we are focusing on this term? We set ourselves targets we would like to achieve during our P3 journey.…