Primary PE

During PE today primary pupils worked together for team building to build up characters’ faces using a range of equipment for their shape and size. Turn taking and listening skills were very important throughout the task to ensure the group used the correct equipment to match the part of the face. They checked the learning…

Judaism in Rowan (Primary)

Today the pupils in Rowan were learning about what the Shabbat is in Judaism and how they celebrate this special time which starts on a Friday evening and finishes on a Saturday evening.  During this time they eat challah bread, drink wine (blackcurrant juice) from a Kiddush cup, Shabbat candles are lit, special spices are…

Vikings in Rowan (Topic)

This term pupils in Rowan have been learning about Vikings, how they lived, where they lived and what they did to survive. Brianna said “The Vikings raided places to steal from the houses”. Olivia said “the material was scratchy” when she dressed as a Viking girl. Jenson said that the horn reminded him of the…

Music Festival at the Civic Centre

Today at Durham Vocal Festival we had so much fun learning to sign songs with different schools from our region. We developed our skills on signing with a song called ‘Don’t get stressed’. We learnt the signing to songs like ‘It’s a wonderful life’ and ‘Love Shine a Light’. There were performances from different schools…

Meditation in Birch

While Birch was waiting for dinner to end, we did a bit of meditation and focussed on our breathing by following different coloured bubbles and then doing a body scan identifying how our bodies feel. It encouraged us to stay focussed in lesson and allowed us to calm down after our play time.