Exam Results

Good Morning everybody and I hope you are having a lovely holiday despite the weather. Just a quick message to let you know that the exam results will be available for collection from 10.00am on Thursday the 22nd August. Overall exam results will be available on the website at around the same time.

Lets party at the Beach!

P4 enjoyed celebrating a fantastic year with spending a day at the beach (hoping to see some Dolphins). Parents joined us and said what a lovely day it had been.  P4 made some amazing sand castles and memories with Mr Campbell, and after paddling in the water with Que’s dad and using their communication and…

Budding Authors

Stop Press!!! P2 have completed their first novels! After weeks of hard work, creating characters, learning story formats, planning, drafting and re-drafting, our stories are finally complete! This has taken a lot of perseverance and intense concentration from everyone. We are all very proud of our achievements. Character development:   Mapping out our story Drafting…

Primary Wow Day

Primary shared a fantastic end to the topic this term with parents and carers.  We had a visit from Mr Windbags the Magician who amazed us with some magic tricks.  We all then practiced a range of circus skills and our adults even joined in!  

Jack and the Beanstalk

We had an amazing afternoon at the sports festival based around the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk. The children from P1 and P2, and Jane, pretended to be different animals, run away from giants and climb the beanstalk. It was great fun and allowed us to demonstrate some the of amazing skills we…