On Wednesday, our girls football team attended the final fixture of the season at Walker Dome Activity Centre. They finished the season on a high, winning all their games which meant they were top of the league and could bring home the trophy!!!!!! So proud of you – go girls!!  

The day P3 became scientists

In science today P3 were learning about electricity. They enjoyed carrying out experiments. First experiment P3 had to predict whether or not the bulb would light up using tin foil, plastic or wood and recorded the results. Second experiment was to make a circuit using a bulb, battery and two wires. P3 were either given…

Day 1 Y9/10/11 residential

We have had an amazing first day at Allenheads, settling in at the lodge, enjoying team building games and a brilliant night walk. We are so proud of our students’ attitudes and behaviour; they are role models for Croft. More updates tomorrow! We we have some very tired students tonight!    

P3 Sensory story

P3 are doing a poets study on Michael Rosen. This morning we listened to the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. Miss Robson made it into a sensory story. One pupil said “we used green paper for the grass, swishy swashy.” Another said “Miss Robson sprayed at us, splash, splosh.” P3 enjoyed the sensory…

P3 special chocolates!

P3 enjoyed making special chocolates today. They had to follow instructions to make the chocolates. Once they were finished they then had to order the instructions for the next person.                     Then as part of Maths P3 had to answer questions and follow instructions on fractions.…

Day 1 Y8 and Y9 Residential

All staff and students  had a brilliant first day yesterday at Allenheads. After arriving and settling into their rooms, we participated in team building activities before a yummy spag bol followed by a night time walk and chocolate bananas and marshmallows on the fire!! Photos of today’s adventures to follow later!!