
Just a few photos from the residential last week,  all the students were extremely well behaved and we all had a great time.  We all learnt lots of new skills and took part in a range of different activities.  It was great to see .students try new things and watch as the days went by…

Dates for your diary

Evening Everybody Just some dates for your diaries. We have the Year 9 Options Evening on Monday 10th June from 3.15 to enable you to come and discuss your child’s Key Stage 4 Options. During our Coffee Morning on the 18th June Julie Temple (MCT Rep, Making Changes together) will attend. Elaine Chandler (SENDIASS) will…

Performance Poetry

P2 have been studying the brilliant work by Michael Rosen. We have learnt about his life and written a mini biography. This week we have performed one of his poems which has inspired us to write our own. Here is a snippet of our performance performance poetry

Accelerated Reader Rewards

18 students met or exceeded their reading targets on Accelerated Reader. Congratulations – your McDonalds will be delivered today! Well done to the 39 secondary students who were entered into the raffle for reading effort – the winner was Callum in P6 and he has already claimed his £20 reward.

A Lightbulb Moment!

In Science, P5 have been investigating electrical circuits. At the beginning of the lesson, the children were asked to work in teams and were given a range of electrical equipment with the challenge of making a lightbulb light up. This was great fun and after a lot of discussion and attempts, circuits were made and the…


  KS2 SATS are over for another year and we couldn’t be prouder of our children. They have worked so hard and given 100% effort. Their attitude was amazing and they were so supportive of each other. Well done everyone-you should feel proud of yourselves!