School Mural

Miss Newton and Miss Veevers have been busy over the Easter holidays. We decided to create a mural on the main wall in the yard with geometric patterns and shapes using the school’s signature colours. We had lots of fun making it and hope everyone enjoys it.  

P5 Primary Fabulous Finish

What an action packed day we had celebrating the end of our ‘Wonderful World ‘ topic. We created some recycled art with Miss Newton using bottle tops. We worked with Ruth Thompson, a willow weaver where we learnt how to weave willow to create an amazing tunnel and dome in our outdoor area-we can’t wait…

Easter Egg Treats

P5 had some welcome visitors this afternoon. Staff from Co-op Funeralcare popped in with a box full of Easter eggs! Everyone was able to choose an egg to take home and we even shared some with our primary friends. What a generous and kind thing to do. Thank you Co-op Funeralcare! Happy Easter!

Primary WOW day

In P3 this term the topic has been ‘Wonderful World’. We have learnt about how things grow, animal habitats and how to look after the environment around us. On the WOW day we had a great time using recycled bottle tops to create a piece of art work.   We also enjoyed willow weaving in…

Outdoor Cooking Reward

A special reward afternoon was enjoyed outside in our forest school area. We all had great fun-it was a little chilly, but we had a camp fire to keep us toasty and warm. We enjoyed cooking on the fire and we tucked into tasty bananas and chocolate and we toasted marshmallows. We went on a…