Birch Dictionary Fun!

Today for our English we started to understand the difference between a Dictionary and a Thesaurus. We started to practise finding words in a dictionary and being able to identify the meaning of the words. We wrote the type of word such as a verb or a adjective. We also wrote the definition of the…

9G Lindisfarne Gospels

What an amazing couple of days we have had. First of all the Laing Art Gallery Learning Team visited 9G in school to tell them about the Lindisfarne Gospels. They learned how the artwork tells the stories of Christianity, and how the paints used were derived from natural materials such as copper, oak galls and…

Rocks in Science

This term in Science Hazel and Oak class have been learning about rocks. Over the last few weeks we have completed some experiments to develop of knowledge on different types of rocks (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic) and the different properties they have. We created igneous rocks by pouring warm melted chocolate over ice to represent…

Remembrance Day 2022

Today Hazel Class spoke about Remembrance Day and decided it would be nice to link it to English. In English we have been working on poetry. Hazel class create some acrostic poems and haikus. They then created some beautiful printing and college art work to demonstrate their art knowledge and skills.        …