Christmas and other events

9th November 2022 Dear Parents and Carers I am writing to inform you about the arrangements for Christmas activities this year as well as some other updates. We are inviting pupils to wear odd-socks on Monday 14th November to celebrate the launch of anti-bullying week. No monies are necessary and we will be taking photographs…

Year 7 classes

FAO of Year 7 parents. I know I’ve spoken to lots of you over the past week about class changes and some of you had concerns about timetables so I’ve attached all of the Year 7 class timetables below. If you require more information about which class your child will be in after half term…

London’s Burning!

In history this term Maple have been learning about timelines. We found out all about how we have grown the great fire of London. We know that this happened before anyone we know was born. We used a sensory story to find out how the fire started and how it spread.   We know the…