Fishing Club – Enrichment

Today during Enrichment, we took our fishing group onto the school field to learn and practise different ways to cast. We also had a competition to see who could cast the furthest and land their weight into different targets. Excellent afternoon had by all, and the pupils loved every second. Mr Harrison.

Why is the Earth spherical?

Birch started Science and part of our knowledge statement is to understand why the Earth and other planets are spherical. We then created a globe using playdough ensuring we had the different layers and using blue for the sea and earth colours for the islands. The children all went outside and tried to identified how…

Emotions in English

For our English Knowledge Statement we started to read our story ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Neil Gaiman and Lorenzo Mattotti. On Friday we made a prediction by looking at the front cover and what we thought might happen in the story. Today we thought about how the woodcutter would feel at the beginning of the…

Counting to 1000 using 10’s

For our knowledge statement for Mathematics we have introduced counting 1000’s using 10’s. We had a worksheet to show how we can count 10’s and we had to make the correct amount. We then did a practical where Miss Brannan asked the students to make a certain number using base 10’s and the children had…