Friday Football Fun!

A massive well to our football team who took part in Kick Off @3 today at Maiden Castle. You did your school proud with your behaviour, sportsmanship and attitude. We are so unbelievably happy with all of you superstars!! And a special shoutout to Courtney who was handpicked by the founder of Kick Off as…

Hazel Fundraising

Hazel class decided they wanted to try and help the Ukrainian Refugees. In class we painted some mini plant pots and used our finger prints to make sunflowers.                         Hazel class learnt that sunflowers are Ukraine’s national flower.            …

Volunteer Gardeners required!!!!

]Good Morning Everyone We are in the process of developing the school grounds and as part of this project we are renovating the horticultural area at the top of the school. We are hoping that some of you lovely people will come into school and help us out with this exciting project. So, if there…

Hazel Microhabitats

Hazel class are continuing their work on habitats. We are now focusing on microhabitats and during outdoor learning we collected some soil, leaves and worms to make our wormery. Pupils were very careful when moving the worms to their new homes. We learnt about the worms needs soil and water to survive. We also learnt…