Ofsted report

Good Morning Everyone We have been sent the full Ofsted report following our inspection on the 12th and 13th October and although it has not been uploaded onto the offical Ofsted website we can share it via the school website. I have added it as an attachment to this blog. It’s fair to say we…


Evening Everyone We will be holding a cake sale on Thursday 2nd December in order to raise funds for Norahnorthpole, the link is available at the bottom of this post. Cakes will be available for pupils to buy from the staff room for a donation so if you would like to make a contribution please…

Automatism in Art

Key stage 3 pupils learned what Automatism is today in Art. They had to not think for a few minutes while they doodled, which is harder than it sounds. Then we looked at their doodles and discussed what we could see, and how everyone’s perspective is different. Pupils then picked out their images with outlines…

Active Science

Today in Hazel we enjoyed Active Science. Some pupils were given a symbol card and asked to go and find the item.                     Others were given a type of material to find and the final group were given different types of material properties and had to…