Baking with Maple

We had a birthday in Maple class this week, so we decided to bake a cake.   We mixed up all the ingredients together which made a very slimy mixture, some of the smells were very yummy. Once all the ingredients were mixed together we poured our chocolate mixture into cake tins. This was very…

Materials in Science

Hazel class enjoyed exploring different types of materials in Science today. We spoke about their different properties, how they felt and what we thought they could be used for.   In the afternoon we then used different types of materials to print in art. Well done Hazel class.

Colour Mixing and Communication

In Art today Hazel class explored colour changing.   They discussed what primary are and how we can make secondary colours. Some pupils used PECS to request the colours and then comment on what colour they had made. Being able to use PECS in a more cross curricular way enables pupils to generalise the skill.…

9R Colour Illustrations

Pupils in 9R have learnt about colour mixing, and used the secondary colours that they created to recreate an iconic illustration from the book ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. Using shape recognition and cutting skills and also thinking about placement on the page in order to recreate the image. They all captured the bright colourful shapes and…

Stone Age in Rowan

During first half term Rowan have been learning about the Stone Ages and finding out facts and information about their every day life and the way of living such as “They live in Skara Brae which is in Scotland”  Sinead said and Dale said ” The beds are made of wood”. together they discussed about…

Happy Halloween from Maple

In Maple we have been enjoying some spooky Halloween activities.   We make our playdough from scratch and we decided that we would make spooky spiders. Everyone was brilliant at following instructions and mixing all the ingredients together.                 Look at how big our spider is!   We…