9O Poetry

90 combined their knowledge of different types of poems along with nouns and adjectives linked to their English book ‘Butterfly Lion’. They recalled key words from the text and also chose words of their own to write limericks, acrostic, and narrative poems. Cameron wrote this beautiful acrostic poem entirely independently which blew us all away.

Maple Outdoor Learning

Maple Class have been exploring outside, looking at different types of leaves and their different colours of leaves. We have also looked at the beautiful flowers that have been growing in our outside area. We have been collecting leaves/sticks and plants that we have liked and used these to decorate our woodland crowns and to…

Amazon Smile

The PTA have asked us to share this with you as a quick and supportive way to raise funds for the school. AmazonSmile is a way that parents and families can support us every time they shop with Amazon, at no additional cost. All you need to do is visit smile.amazon.co.uk and select ‘Friends of…