LMI Bulletin Issue 485

The latest LMI Bulletin is available here https://www.supportinginspiration.org.uk/ne/lmi-bulletin-issue-485   In this issue: The graduate labour market DWP’s employment support Job retention update Job adverts update CITB construction forecast   Regards   LMI Education Development Trust   m: +44 (0) 777152979 e: lmi@educationdevelopmenttrust.com w: www.educationdevelopmenttrust.com @EdDevTrustLMI We work flexibly – so while it suits me to email now, please…

Sports Day

Today was Year 11’s last ever sports day at Croft as they are all leaving on Friday! The sportsmanship, attitudes and enthusiasm of all Year 11 students was fantastic and we’re so glad they could spend the day together, laughing and having a good time. We played Capture the Flag, Dodgeball, Quick Cricket, Different Racing…

French lesson

8H have been learning about French vocabulary related to clothes this half term and last week we went outside to learn the names of types of clothes and the colours of these clothes. Pupils drew round each other and then had to draw and colour the clothes from the list they were given. Pupils then…