Rewards Day Glass Star Making

Today our home learning stars from each class had the opportunity to design their own glass star decoration as a keepsake to remind them of their home learning success this term. Pupils got to choose the colours they wanted to include in their star and also learnt about the glass fusing process. Due to the…

11V End of Term Treat

11V have had a fantastic return to school after lockdown. We are so proud of how they have adapted to coming into school and being present in every lesson. As a reward for their amazing behaviour and attitudes, they have had the afternoon off to watch School of Rock and enjoy movie snacks. We’re so…

Lockdown in Hazel

Hazel class have created a lockdown display. On our display we share all our lockdown achievements and hard work. We shared stories such as ‘Whilst we can’t hug’ by Eoin Mclaughlin. Discussed ways in which we could send love to our friends and family that we miss. Talked about key workers and all their hard…

LMI Bulletin Issue 479

Dear All   The latest LMI Bulletin has been published and is available here In this week’s More civil service jobs announced for Darlington The BBC reports a shortage of Bouncers as clubs prepare to reopen The Apartment Group looking for new staff as it reopens its bars A labour market update Evaluation of…