Amelie’s Life Skills Challenge
Well done Amelie
Well done to all of you potential Bake-off winners. Don’t forget to keep completing all of those independent lifeskills challenges that were sent out last week and to keep sending us evidence to earn those Dojo points. Today’s offering is from Charlie R who has created these amazing looking bread rolls.
Healthy Eating advice in a booklet by Shay. Well done Shay.
Dylan and Owen made some delicious biscuits and tarts at home. Sofia sounded out all of the words in her English task. Everyone in Rowan class has been working hard on applying their phonics to extended writing.
Harvey is a student on the BTEC Home Cooking Skills Level 1 course. Enjoying cooking from home, well done Harvey.
We are taking part in the RSPB Big Bird Watch 29th Jan-31st Jan 2021! We decided in preparation to make bird feeders which would allow birds to come into our school grounds and at home by making homemade bird feeders. You can join up for the Big bird Watch at the link below: We…
Some of the fantastic English work from Rowan Class students. We’re so proud of how hard they are working during these challenging times.
The staff team in 7G are so proud of all the amazing work produced during our home learning. We are also proud of how you have worked towards independence with your life skills work!
Just wanted to say that I’m really proud of some of the work produced by 9B in humanities over this period of home learning – well done everyone! Here are just two great examples!
Hazel class have done some fantastic Maths work over the last couple of week. Number recognition, formation and quantity. Cookery – following recipes and weighing ingredients. Addition, subtraction and odd and even numbers. Great work everyone, Dojo points all round.