Forest Friday Fun

What lovely afternoon was had by the children in Birch. Games were played and after a fire safety talk,  a fire was lit and the children enjoyed toasting marshmallows. The marshmallows were delicious and it was good to be outside learning and having fun.   Article 31: We all have the right to relax and play.  …

Next week

Morning Everyone Hope your all well and I hope our Secondary pupils are enjoying the remote learning, I’ve joined some of the lessons and it’s great to see the learning that is taking place. Primary staff are really pleased to see our pupils back in school yesterday and we have had a couple of visitors…

Hazel class returns!

Hazel class are pleased to be back after a few days working from home. We have had a busy day. This morning we enjoyed listening to our sensory story ‘Peace at last’ by Jill Murphy.                     We then completed some sequencing work about the story. After…

Updates and Remote Learning

Evening Everyone We are looking forward to welcoming some of our pupils back tomorrow, our Primary pupils, two of our Year Eight classes and some pupils in other year groups who were absent last week. In terms of remote learning I know this has been a struggle for some pupils so I have attached a…


Afternoon Everyone Just to let you know we are working out the transport arrangements for Primary Pupils, 8H and 8D to hopefully return to school on Thursday. We will also be making arrangements for transport for those pupils who were absent last week and were not in contact with the infected member of staff. Transport…


Good Evening Everyone Thanks for all your very supportive messages during what has been a very trying day for everybody. We all really appreciate the kind words and support from you all. Please find below two letters for you from DCC which have been adapted for Croft. One is for parents and carers whose son/daughter…


We have followed all the protocols as prescribed by PHE and Durham County Council. One of our members of staff tested positive yesterday and DCC were contacted last night. We have also contacted PHE. We received a phone call at 7:07 this morning and have begun attempting to sort out contacts with the member of…

Coronavirus update

Good Evening Everyone Huge apologies for the late text message and Facebook/website update but we have just been informed that one of our members of staff has tested positive for Coronovirus. We have followed the procedures put in place and are awaiting further guidance from PHE with regard to the next steps. It is with…