Farming Fortnight: Market Monday

  The focus for today is ‘Monday Markets’ Attached is a self-guided powerpoint for you and your child to work through. You will need to think about your own ‘Monday’ activities, answer some questions and watch the video Some support notes for adults to are in the links too – feel free to use whichever…

Noticing nature: Week 7

After a little break for half-term we are back focussing on noticing nature. I hope that you have been enjoying the weekly mindful focus. You will notice that with each week the ‘noticing’ extends to a longer period of time so make the most of the lovely weather we have and really notice the environment…

Farming Fortnight

Hi Everyone I hope you have had a restful half term and are all safe and well. For the next couple of weeks I am going to be posting information, activities and links to support Farming Fortnight through the Countryside classroom so look out for the links on this blog. Each week and each day…

Updated information

Good afternoon Everyone Durham County Council have made an announcement today about the wider reopening of school. Please find below the letter that contains all the relevant information. This has some bearing on the pupils who were going to start back with us next week. If you require any further information or advice please don’t…

P3 daily challenges!

Some pupils in P3 have enjoyed completing daily challenges set by Miss Robson. These challenges could include finding different shapes around the house, drawing a picture of your favourite animal or planting some mystery seeds.   Each envelope is numbered and then inside are instructions about what their challenge is and any equipment they need…