
Following the recent government announcement regarding a phased return to school for some pupils, we have been working closely with Durham County Council to establish what is right for our school. The council is supporting all schools in the county, to establish a pattern and timeframe that works for them. They have provided a risk…

P4 update

Hello P4 We hope you are keeping well and are still being good for your grown ups. We are missing you all! We love seeing what you have been doing and it’s great to hear that you are working so hard at home. I thought you would like to see what your teachers have been…


Hello again P3! Just a little update from Mrs Convery, Mrs Laverick and myself and what we have done this weekend. Mrs Laverick and Baby Laverick are doing great. They are going on lots of walk and baby is growing well.   Mrs Convery has been spending some time teaching her son and daughter how…