Mindful Moments: Week 3 Showing Gratitude

The purpose of this weeks activity is to bring awareness to ourselves focussed on Gratitude, Positivity and Connection What benefit does a practice based on Gratitude give to us? Studies have shown that it can…. Decreases stress and anxiety Increases happiness Makes us more resilient Improves sleep Reduces materialism Makes us more socially intelligent Strengthens…


Following the Prime Minister’s latest announcement regarding slowly increasing the numbers of pupils in schools, we are considering carefully how we can achieve this safely at Croft. We have been working this week on what school could possible look like and how it would work. As soon as we have a potential plan, we will…

Attention all students!!

Hi all, I am looking forward to positive times and being back at school (whenever and however this happens) I would like each student to try and complete a task and bring it into school when we are back (if possible and if you are able to print this or do it on a computer.)…

P3 Save the Plants!

Hello again P3! Where has all the nice weather gone? I have just been out and saved our plants from the rain, hail and wind for the night. The Poppies and Sunflowers are starting to grow.   The Fox gloves are covered in hail stones at the moment but will hopefully start sprouting soon.  …

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Hi everyone, Next week (18th-25th May) is Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme this year is ‘kindness.’ We know that this is a really tough time for people and the current situation may be impacting negatively on our mental health. Students – when you are in school, you have Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Senior Leaders, Cleaners, Governors,…