Coronavirus update 20.3.20

The latest Government advice is “If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading. That is why the government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible. The fewer children making the journey to school, and the fewer children in educational settings, the lower…

P3 Adventures

Today P3 went on an adventure around the world.   We started off in our own garden hunting for mini beast. P3 found “Caterpillars” and “Beetles” We then travelled to Australia to ‘The Great Victoria Desert’  where we found “Camels” “Beetles” and “Scorpions”   Our final destination was ‘The Great Barrier Reef’. Here we found “Sting…

coronavirus update

Special schools have received updated guidance from the Director of Education relating to keeping our most vulnerable learners at home. The guidance is: Children and young people with significant health issues should be risk assessed on an individual basis, according to their medical needs. Where the risk assessment identifies that the child is vulnerable to…

Coronavirus update

Good Morning Everyone As you are aware we are going through an unprecedented time within schools. I am just writing to update you with information. We have been advised to cancel all out of school visits and activities as well as cancelling all PTA events. This includes the Mother’s Day afternoon Teas, the Film night…

Sports Relief P7

              Lets get physical with P7 During sports relief day P7 participated in the sports hall with a healthy competition against other classes, however they thought why stop there. P7 arranged other games in the classroom such as Ping Pong cups and table tennis to keep active throughout the whole day.  At the…


Evening Everyone We are introducing some changes starting next week to do with breaktimes and playtimes. This is part of developing emotional and physical well-being in schools across County Durham. PESSPSA stands for Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity and as such all pupils will be taking part in some form of physical activity…

Fairtrade Trip – P7

The marvellous class. P7, have been learning about fair trade and why learning about it opens up a fascinating world of discovery.  The pupils have been learning where food comes from and who benefits from it to make it fair, is it the producers (farmers) or suppliers. The class walked to the local Tesco supermarket…

Year 11 Careers workshop

All year 11 pupils took part in the first part of their careers workshop today. Mrs Severs from the Department of Work and Pensions came into school to deliver a session on jobs today, past and future. Pupils discussed job roles and the importance of choosing a job that is right for you and makes…