Parent Survey results

Evening Everybody Just a quick note that a summary of the parental survey results have been compiled and put on the school website. These can be found under the Parent Tab on the website, there are also some other documents related to questions and suggestions that came back from the surveys. These are in the…

Youth Parliament Election

Today at Croft Community School secondary pupils all voted in the Youth Parliament election. 11 representatives from each secondary pastoral class were entered into a vote where all students voted for two pupils to become our Youth Parliament members from school. Head people Logan and Orhan helped man the polling station as each pupil had…

British Values Day

What an amazing day we have had across school today. Every class was busy creating artwork based around the British Values in each curriculum area. We have lots more photos to upload but here is a mosaic of our pupils wearing the colours of the Union Jack flag.

Hunting for Stomata

Today P2 were wondering how can plants breath when they don’t have a mouth like us… or so we thought. We used a microscope and found that they DO! They have tiny holes in the leaves called Stomata which they use to take in Carbon Dioxide and release Oxygen for us to breath. We all…

Bubble fun

Today the children in primary had a fun filled visit from Crazy Colin the Bubbleologist. We had an amazing time watching the wonderful variety of bubbles he was able to create. Our favourite was the millions of bubbles Crazy Colin used to give Jane a new hairdo. The white bubble bombs were magical, we all…

P6 Durham Oriental Museum

Our year 7 textile work is inspired by Chinese New Year, so pupils went to see some Oriental artefacts for inspiration. Pupils were fascinated by the age of some of these ancient objects and enjoyed the interactive elements of the gallery. We also found 3 objects which the BBC had used in the making of…

P3’s Active 10!!

County Durham have introduced ‘The Active 30 Durham Campaign’ it aims to help schools in County Durham to support every pupil to participate in 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity activity everyday at school – as recommended by the Chief Medical Officer (CMO). P3 have started with their own ‘Active 10 Campaign’ where they…