Sensational Start in P4

The children in P4 are very excited to be learning all about chocolate this term. A sensational start was made to the topic where the children tasted different chocolate and tried to guess which chocolate was which. This was much tricky than they thought. The children started to consider whether they would enjoy chocolate as…

P3 Minibeast hunt

P3 went outside in the OPAL area this afternoon to investigate different habitats and to see if they could find any minibeasts. We used magnifying glasses to try and find even the smallest of insects.                     P3 found a birds nest and some worms, slugs and…

Martin Luther King Jr Day

In memory of Martin Luther King Jr P3 read the story ‘Tusk Tusk’. We discussed what we liked and disliked about the story. Majority of the class liked when the grey peacekeeping elephants came out of the jungle and were friends and disliked when the black and white elephants were fighting. We looked at the…

P3 Australian Bake Sale

P3 just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who bought sweet treats from the bake sale on Friday. We raised over £100 for an Australian bush fire charity. The pupils in P3 are going to have a discussion about which charity they want to support, whether it be a charity to help…

Bake Sale for Australia

P3 have been working hard this week learning about Australia. We spoke about the bush fires and the pupils wanted to do something to help.   We decided a bake sale would be the best way to raise money.   During Maths lessons P3 have been making some delicious treats, weighing the ingredients and following…

P3 Beamish Wild Adventures

P3 enjoyed a wet adventure to Beamish wild.   They went on a little walk to look for animals before enjoying the adventure park. They practised moving in different ways and like different animals.   P3 worked together as a team, showing resilience when they found something difficult. Co-operation and thoughtfulness supporting each other when…