Our Vision
To place Computing and Information Communication Technology at the centre of the learning experience for all of our pupils. In doing so, this will help to prepare our pupils for the computing environment of the future.
Our Aims
The aim of Computing is to make learning, interesting, exciting and to make all pupils enthusiastic about learning new Computing concepts. We want to develop all pupils’ learning and in an ever-changing technological world ensure that all of our pupils can embrace new technology and use it to improve their learning.
How we use Computing and ICT at Croft Community School
Pupils at our school have one timetabled lesson of Computing each week in Key Stage 3 and 4. At Key Stage 4 pupils have the opportunity to complete an accredited course in either, Entry Level Functional Skills 1, 2 or 3, Functional Digital Skills Level 1 , or Business Administration.
At Croft Community School we have a designated computer suite and there are several computers or a bank of laptops in each classroom. All classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and are linked to a printer. We have several banks of iPads and laptops available for whole school use. We recently acquired two portable interactive screens that can be adapted to cater for individual pupil needs.
KS3 Overview
KS4 Overviews