In the Early years and Key Stage One and Two history is taught as part of a topic-based curriculum following guidance from the International Primary Curriculum. We work on a two year rolling programme to ensure depth and breadth of coverage. All topic areas are mapped against the National Curriculum to ensure learning goals are met.
At Key Stage Three History is taught one lesson a week by teachers who are more specialised in the subject. The curriculum follows national standards and also is bespoke for students. This involves incorporating key elements that prepare students for adulthood and develop their cultural capital using different learning pathways. Federation Staff within the humanities departments and advisors from county have worked collaboratively to produce a curriculum within Croft. For more gifted and talented students at Croft an additional option has been created for GCSE for the 2021-23 cycle.
History is taught in a fun and purposeful way with students encouraged to ask questions then seek answers using a range of general skills including critical thinking. Students develop their key historical skills such as chronological understanding, source analysis and abilities to construct more extended pieces of writing as they progress through the school.