During Mental Health Awareness Week 80 took part in some Mindfulness sessions allowing them to express their feeling and identify opportunities what Mindfulness means to them and what helps them relax and enjoy to make them happy. Pupils were giving arrange of different breathing techniques to do whilst going through the range of scenarios. They each wrote a paragraph about their experience as follows
Taylor: I did the rainbow breathing technique. I stood with my legs apart and gently rested my arms and raised them up when I breathed in and lowered them when I breathed out, I added a new color every time to my rainbow every time.
Szymon: I did the star fish technique and I didn’t find it relaxing or very sensory. I find cards and doing things on the computer relaxing to me.
Oliver: I did Butterfly breathing in school and when I was flying as a butterfly with my eyes closed I was thinking about flying with Bobby and Taylor jumping in fluffy clouds.
This just demonstrated we all meet our own mindfulness in different ways.