Please see the letter below about isloation and remote learning. Should you have any questions or queries please get in touch with school.
Croft is currently working to achieve a Wellbeing Award.
In order to evaluate our current provision, we need your input. Your views are important in helping us understand what we are doing well and how we can do even better.
Please follow the link below to complete the survey.
It should only take a couple of minutes. Please respond before the end of July.
All responses and suggestions will be carefully considered and used to plan a range of school improvements.
If you have any queries about this survey, please contact the school.
Thank you!
Miss Herkes
Evaluation submissions are valid between: 02/07/2021 – 06/09/2021. Your submission will not be accepted outside of these dates
Or copy and paste the followng
Hazel class set off from school yesterday on an adventure to find pirates and mermaids.
We decided the best place to try to spot a pirate and a mermaid would be at the sea side.
When Hazel class arrived we set up camp.
Some pupils started to dig for treasure whilst other looked for mermaids and pirate ships.
In class before the adventure we had designed our own carts to carry any treasure that we found. Pupils tested out their carts on the sand to see if they would work.
After a busy morning treasure hunting we all sat down to a lovely seaside lunch and then some ice cream for pudding.
We didn’t manage to see a mermaid but we did see lots of ships and had an amazing day!
We had such a busy day some of our pirates needed a rest on the way back to school.
Well done Hazel pirates for all your hard work, you all behaved brilliantly and we are all super proud!
Evening Everyone
Please see below a letter from the Director of Public Health that we have been asked to share with you.
The latest LMI Bulletin is available here
In this issue:
- The graduate labour market
- DWP’s employment support
- Job retention update
- Job adverts update
- CITB construction forecast
Education Development Trust
m: +44 (0) 777152979
e: lmi@educationdevelopmenttrust.com w: www.educationdevelopmenttrust.com
We work flexibly – so while it suits me to email now, please be assured that I do not expect a response or action outside of your own working hours.
Over the past couple of week Miss Gilbert and Mrs Levee have had enrichment doing stop motion and Media Fun! We had so much fun creating these videos. IMG_9821[1]IMG_9571[1]IMG_9569[1] ]IMG_9570[1]IMG_9572[1]
We had a fabulous day yesterday for Sports day. We all had so much fun. Thank you to the Year 10’s that helped!