Fun Friday Stop motion
Today we have had Fun Friday and some of our children have developed, shot and edited their ideas. We had so much fun creating our own short films.
Hazel class 100 challenge!
Hazel class decided in memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore we would do 100 challenge this month.
Hazel class chose to read 100 books in the month of April.
Today we managed to hit our 100 book target!
Well done Hazel class pupils and a big thank you to grown ups at home who helped.
Earth Day 2021
As part of Earth day and Science Hazel class planted some broad beans last week.
We then carried out an experiment, where we removed one or more food source away. Some pupils could only give their bean water, others just light and one pupil decided not to give his water or light. Pupils made predictions about whether or not their bean would grow.
This week we observed the beans to see if they had grown, we made some interesting discoveries.
No sunlight and no water No sunlight but can have water Sunlight and water
sunlight and water sunlight and water sunlight but no water
Pupils who could water their plants did.
We then filled in our bean diary to record our findings.
Geography and Cookery in Hazel.
Hazel class introduced their host county Italy this week.
We asked the question ‘What do I know about Italy?’
Our different answers were;
“It’s a country” “blue and white” “He’s a girl” “Italy” “I don’t know”
As a class we discussed the population, climate, schools, flag, landmarks, language and food.
We then decided to make some pizzas to have for snack time.
We worked as a team to mix and then knead the pizza dough.
We then rolled and cut the pizzas out.
Grated the cheese, prepared the toppings and spread the tomato puree.
Finally we added the different toppings we wanted onto our pizzas.
At the end of the lesson we asked the questions again ‘What do I know about Italy?’
some of the pupils answers;
“warm” “red, white, green” “pizza” “ciao” “pisa”
Well done Hazel class!
Next week we will be comparing a traditional English breakfast with an Italian one.
Primary Enrichment
On a Friday afternoon in Primary we have been joining enrichment groups.
The cookery group met in Hazel class and we made some chocolate crispies.
The boys chose which chocolate they wanted before breaking it up into a bowl.
They then melted the chocolate in the microwave, checking it did not burn and trying very hard not to lick the chocolate spoon.
The boys then mixed in the crispies before putting them in the bun cases.
Whilst the chocolate crispies were setting the group went outside in the sun to wash up their dishes.
Well done boys, fantastic job!
Evening Everyone
The PTA have found this fabulous link and have asked us to share the information, It look like a great way of raising funds for the school and the best thing is, it is free.
Thanks for all your help.
RRS Eco friendly and Climate change 80 (Article 3,4,6,15,23,
Today the pupils in 80 embedded their English, Art and RRS topic linked to the Earth day and Climate action changes. The sunflowers have been re potted into bigger pots to allow them to grow and become stronger in the sunlight at the reception area of the school. Each pupil then wrote a diary entry of how they have been Eco friendly such as designing posters to be displayed around school to encourage others to recycle and providing recycling deposit boxes which are used from recycled card board. In the words of Bobby Rockett ” We are one of many classes, but we can make a difference. You can find big power in small things like humming birds. “