County Durham have introduced ‘The Active 30 Durham Campaign’ it aims to help schools in County Durham to support every pupil to participate in 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity activity everyday at school – as recommended by the Chief Medical Officer (CMO).
P3 have started with their own ‘Active 10 Campaign’ where they completed a carousel of activities to wake them up, get their heart pumping and mind and body ready for the school day.
Today’s three activities were;
Working on balance and core strength and ensuring our heart rates were risen.
Obstacle course
- 10 star jumps,
- crawling up the bench,
- coming back down bench in chosen way,
- 10 hops,
- finish with a roll.
We then had three team races. First race we had to hop to the wall and run back before tagging our team mate. Second race we had to jump to the wall and run back before tagging the next person and final race we had to run as fast as we could to the wall and back.
Hopefully with our OPAL time at morning break and OPAL in an afternoon we will be close to our Active 30!