Oak class last term were working on dance in PE.
The theme of our dance was toys.
Miss Robson told us a story about her Aunt Maud. When Miss Robson went for a sleepover at Aunt Maud’s house the toys used to come alive. Using Attention Autism we moved in different ways, snuck around the space trying not to wake up Miss Robson.
Oak class thought about different toys that might come alive during the night. We practiced moving like the toys, thinking of a starting position, moving like the toy and then ending in the same position they started in. We thought about how we could shuffle, turn, prance, twirl, balance, stride and spring.
We looked at the different elements of dance focusing on the who and the what.
We then learnt a dance based around the story of Aunt Maud, using the music Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy and made props to help us.
Can you guess which toys we were?
Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR
Tel: 01207 234547