Afternoon all,
Summer rewards day is fast approaching.
Rewards day will take place on Monday 18th July.
We have Party Time inflatables coming again with some of their amazing inflatables, most of which are new to Croft this summer. Vision and CER, supply staff agencies that we use, are providing some lovely refreshments in the form of bottled water and ice cream and our lovely PTA, along side Travis Perkins, are providing us with the equipment to make our very own slip and slide, where pupils can slide down the soap and water covered tarpaulin on an array of inflatables. There will also be a face painting station.
ALL children will get to access the rewards day. It will be staggered to reflect Dojo points with EVERY child outside by 11 am.
By 1pm the ice cream van will be here, for all pupils to grab an ice cream or iced lolly of their choice.
If pupils are wanting to go on the slip and slide they MUST have a change of clothes as taxi’s will not allow pupils onto the taxi in wet clothing.
Looking at the weather, its meant to be a rather warm sunny day, so as a school we have decided that pupils can wear their own clothes, however, jeans are NOT to be worn. Could you please make sure that your child is well protected from the sun and if you would like sun cream to be re-applied, send a bottle into school with your child, with their name and class name on. We advise caps and summer hats to be worn and light clothing.
If you would not like your child to take part in the slip and slide or face painting, could you please send their class staff a message.
If you have any questions about the day, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Mr Harrison or myself.
(The soap being used on the slip and slide is bubble bath for sensitive skin and is fragrance free.)