Rowan class had a very exciting day! It was a trip to the cinema!
The children were so excited on the morning and we had all brought in our drink and snacks.
We got onto the school minibus and drove to the cinema which was in Gateshead. On the way there we were all having a look to see what we could see.
Everyone behaved so well on the bus. We made sure all are seatbelts were plugged in and stayed sitting for the full journey until the bus stopped.
Once we got there we went into the cinema to our seats. We got the VIP seats!!
The children were so excited. We watched the Whale and the Snail and Stick Man. They all went ‘WOW’ when the film started. They all sat so beautifully watching the films. They made Croft very proud.
It was such a lovely experience as some of the children expressed that they had not been to the cinema before so watching their reactions were great!
Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR
Tel: 01207 234547