Our Vision
To provide a knowledge focused learning experience for all of our learners that prepares them for learning, living and working in the rapidly evolving landscape of the world around us.
Our Aims
The aim of Science at Croft Community School is to:
- create learning experiences for our pupils in science that encourages curiosity about science and the natural world around them
- support learners to obtain knowledge, understanding and skills in the key areas of science, including being able think analytically, critically and creatively to solve problems and make informed decisions in a range of contexts.
- develop skills in presenting scientific ideas, arguments and practical experiences accurately in a variety of ways.
- encourage learners to develop scientific inquiry, to plan and carry out practical tasks using a variety of different apparatus and draw relevant conclusions.
- prepare learners for the demands and needs of society, industry and research in all areas of science and STEM
Access to Science at Croft Community School
Pupils at our school have three timetabled lesson of science each week in Key Stage 3 and four lessons at Key stage 4. At Key Stage 4 pupils have the opportunity to complete accredited qualification through either, ASDAN short course in science, AQA Entry Level certificate or AQA GCSE combined science (trilogy)
At Croft Community School we have one specialist science laboratory with attached learning area as well as an additional classroom in development to meet the needs of the science
curriculum. The science laboratory allows pupils to access practical and investigative learning using apparatus, equipment and resources that are required to cover the breadth and depth of skills in the three areas of science. The science department also has access to a range of areas in the grounds of the school to extend learning beyond the classroom and into the outdoors.