Tag: discussion

World book day in Rowan

World book day in Rowan was amazing and everyone made lots of effort with their costumes and props.  Reading opportunities were experienced, staff to pupils and peer to peer. Some…
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Primary PE

During PE today primary pupils worked together for team building to build up characters’ faces using a range of equipment for their shape and size. Turn taking and listening skills…
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Vikings in Rowan (Topic)

This term pupils in Rowan have been learning about Vikings, how they lived, where they lived and what they did to survive. Brianna said “The Vikings raided places to steal…
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Primary PESSPA

During PESSPA play in primary the pupils enjoy a wide range of activities to participate in to encourage play and health and well being. It’s that time of year when…
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Chestnut group (Article 28,31 & 36)

During Chestnut intervention group today the group followed a structured visual schedule to participate in a baking activity.  Skills used were turn taking, listening and following instructions and personal safety…
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Science in Rowan (Article 31)

During Science today in Rowan the children have been learning all about the skeleton and how our bones and parts of the body help us. Once we identified the different…
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Eco crew clean up (Article 28 & 31 ) Birch

During Outdoor learning today Birch class embedded their knowledge and understanding for Environment and the need to keep it clean and tidy.   The class discussed the importance of littering and…
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Personal Hygiene (Birch)

During our Personal life skills this week in Birch we have been practicing how to clean and care for our hands.  The pupils discussed the importance and benefits of having…
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Birch Scientists (Article 28)

During Science this afternoon the pupils in Birch have been investigating if using a range of everyday products such as salt, flour, oil, sugar, rice, lime juice and hot chocolate…
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World Book Day 9R (Article 29 & 31)

During World Book Week the pupils in 9R have worked extremely hard completing a range of fun and relaxing activities.  They have designed their own personal book marks based on…
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Croft Community School
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 8PR

Tel: 01207 234547

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