Rhyming in Hazel
Today in Hazel class we continued our work on rhyming. Rhyming can be a little bit tricky but today Hazel class worked really hard and could match rhyming words and write some of their own. Great work!
Today in Hazel class we continued our work on rhyming. Rhyming can be a little bit tricky but today Hazel class worked really hard and could match rhyming words and write some of their own. Great work!
This week in Hazel class pupils have been writing instruction on how to make an animal themed breakfast. Once our instructions were written it was Miss Robson’s job to follow them. This made us all laugh as we all forgot to plug the toaster…
Pupils in 9R have been working on identifying different types of weather gauges such as Thermometer, wind turbine and rain catcher. All the children were involved in designing a rain catcher and then went out and about around the schools grounds to find suitable places to hang them. They are currently checking them weekly to…
Over the last week pupils in 9R have been completing a range of activities and discussions around the topic and events of what happened after the wars. They have embedded knowledge and skills from History and English to produce a brilliant Art piece for to Display in school and share in the Remembrance assembly. The…
Our class text at the moment is ‘The smartest giant in town’ by Julia Donaldson. Hazel class have completed lots of different activities around the text. We are currently working on different ways to retell the story and have created cave painting (linked to our topic of the stone age) showing the…
Today the pupils in 80 embedded their English, Art and RRS topic linked to the Earth day and Climate action changes. The sunflowers have been re potted into bigger pots to allow them to grow and become stronger in the sunlight at the reception area of the school. Each pupil then wrote a diary entry…
Hazel class staff just wanted to say a HUGE well done to Hazel class for all their hard work over the last couple of weeks. You are all working super hard and we just wanted to show everyone how fantastic you all are. You have followed your RWI lessons and completed letter formation activities. You…