Evening Everyone
I hope you all have had some sort of relaxation over the weekend and had a chance to play in the snow!
As I’m sure you are the Government has been asking schools to start testing their Secondary pupils and staff. We have been looking at the safest and most effective way of introducing this testing regime into school for both our secondary staff and our secondary pupils. This week we have had 5 members of staff completing online training modules about how to carry out the testing for both pupils and staff. We are still working out the best way to do this but it is likely to involve pupils being tested in the gym and on a Friday and Monday. We will provide a leaflet about exactly how this is going to work later but in the meantime, I have attached a consent letter that you need to complete and return to school via the school email. This has also been sent out to parents and carers directly to their emails. There is also a leaflet, school handbook and posters attached to this blog that we have been asked to share with you all by the Government which provides more information.I just want to stress that without this consent being given we will NOT be testing any pupils. If, on the day of the test pupils become distressed and will not participate we will not be testing them. We fully understand that for you and for our pupils this could be a very stressful experience and we will do whatever we can to ensure that the process takes place as smoothly as possible.
Should you have any questions about this please don’t hesitate to contact school or discuss with staff during welfare calls.
There is also this link to look at for more information. https://dfemedia.blog.gov.uk/2020/12/15/mass-testing-in-schools-your-questions-answered/
If you do not want your child to be tested could you complete this form please and send it to the school email address but again if you do not return the consent form we will not be testing your child.
content/uploads/2021/01/COVID_testing_consent_form_for_use_in_schools_and_colleges-1.odt” download=”all” viewer=”google”]